The Yetworth Podcast
In the Yetworth Podcast, cohosts (and siblings) Maxwell and Emma Schmitz discuss all things risk management planning. Expect anything from five-minute educational tidbits covering critical illness, disability income, and long-term care themes to longer-form interviews with the best advisors in our business.
The Yetworth Podcast
The Most Streamlined Application Process for Your Client, Ever.
Most new inventions develop out of necessity. Years ago, Maxwell Schmitz, our Yetworth Podcast cohost, came up with the idea for a faster and easier disability insurance application process. Good things take time -- and that mostly-baked idea of his is now a full-blown entity of its own. Learn about Dingo Technologies and how it completely streamlines the way people can apply for disability insurance. Curious? See for yourself at www.dingoinsurance.com.